
An opinionated Javascript library for rendering Markdown files in the gemtext format.


A very opiniated fork of Gemdown, a Javascript library for rendering Markdown files in the gemtext format.

This is a more minimal version, without depending on Marked. I also stripped off all features I didn't strictly need, like inline HTML, link achors among some other things. You can see everything Gemdown does in the testdata folder.

If this is not what you're looking for, please consider the upstream instead.


Gemini is a recent text-based internet protocol that aims to be more robust than Gopher but more lightweight than the web, and doesn't seek to replace either. You need a special Gemini client to connect to "Gemini capsules" in "Gemspace" (such as gemini://gemini.circumlunar.space/).

Gemini capsules are authored using "Gemtext", which you can read the description of. For a list of many Gemini related projects and sites, see Awesome Gemini.

According to Wikipedia, Markdown is "a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor". Markdown is commonly used in Static Site Generators to store the source code for pages such as blog posts without making the author write full HTML markup.

Gemdown, then, is a library that takes Markdown input and outputs Gemtext. It is designed to be used in conjunction with a static site generator in order to create a Gemini mirror of an HTTP website (HTTP/Gemini mirrors of the same content is common amongst the Gemini community).


My fork of gemdown isn't published anywhere yet. Sorry!


For now, this package exposes a single function called gemdown.parse. It takes a string containing raw Markdown text and returns a string which contains raw gemtext.

From example.js:

import gemdown from 'gemdown';

const markdown = 
    `This is some [Markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown)! Links are extracted to the end of the paragraph.

     Here's a second paragraph! **Bold** is ignored, but *italics* are kept, but always _converted_ to the * format.`;

const gemtext = gemdown.parse(markdown);


Stability note

This library is subject to change without any prior notice. It is purely for my own use. If I change my preference and want my blog to look differently, this library will change accordingly.

If you're looking for a stable/reliable library, take a look at the uptream.
