
Program to send emails from the CLI.


This is a CLI wrapper for the amazing lettre crate. It allows you to easiliy send email without leaving the comfort of your shell.


sendmail expects a configuration file for each account in the TOML format, located in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sendmail (defaults to .config/sendmail). Here's an example configuration:

# .config/sendmail/school

name = "Robin Boers"
email = "4410@schravenlant.nl"

hostname = "smtp.gmail.com"
port = 587
username = "4410@schravenlant.nl"

The password is passed via the CLI, because I'm not comfortable with having credentials in plain text on my computer.


With the configuration from above:

sendmail school hello-world.md \
  --subject "Hello World!" \
  --to "hor@schravenlant.nl" \
  --to "you@example.com" \
  --password "$(pass mail/school)" \
  --attach assignment.pdf