
Spicetify theme to restore -some- of the classic Spotify UI.

Classic Spotify theme

This fork of the old_spotify Spcicetify theme attempts to fix various annoying aspects of the modern spotify UI, while also making it a little more fun and compact.


(Assuming you've already installed Spicetify of course):

cd ~/.spicetify/Themes
git clone http://git.dupunkto.org/forks/spotify-classic
spicetify config current_theme spotify-classic
spicetify apply

To account for the reduced row height in playlists you need to add the following to ~/.spicetify/config-xpui.ini:

xpui.js_find_8008 = ,(\w+=)56,
xpui.js_repl_8008 = ,${1}40,

